Don’t fall at the first hurdle

A role profile is the introduction to your company and employer brand, providing a comprehensive overview of the role being recruited.

Written by: Sue Palmer
5 minute read
Image: Don’t fall at the first hurdle

A role profile is the introduction to your company and employer brand, providing a comprehensive overview of the role being recruited. It is important the role appeals to a wide and diverse audience and is portrayed at the right level. It can be tempting, particularly when replacing a leaver to dig out the previously used spec however it is so important to take a step back and ensure the profile is still fit for purpose. Much like a CV, it is imperative the role profile is up to date and relevant portraying the opportunity and your business identity correctly. It should be detailed enough, without being War and Peace.

Role profiles play an important part in your recruiter branding and feature at the early stages of the recruitment process. For any potential candidates it is crucial to capture their interest at this early stage to have any chance of tempting them further. Candidates keeping an eye on the market but not actively seeking, need a reason to take that next step. They may not yet be actively considering a move, so every touch point needs to resonate. Your profile needs to stand out from the crowd for the more ‘active’ candidates who will be considering multiple roles.

The basics of a role profile are fairly obvious, so I won’t go into detail on this, but you may want to consider:

Add some layers

  • Bring the basic criteria to life try to cover off more than a list of tasks, try to ‘set the scene’ giving any potential candidates additional insight into your business.
  • Think about your ‘Employee Value Proposition’. Allow your identity, style, and culture to come through in your writing and presentation. The wider the pool of interest at the start of the process, the more chance you have of securing your ideal candidate.
  • If the role profile has been used for internal purposes before being released externally, it is important the language used is suitable for the ‘external’ audience, bearing in mind they won’t necessarily be familiar with any internal references and acronyms.
  • Aim to appeal to a wide audience, emphasise your company’s approach and commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Equality.
  • Stating you are an equal opportunity employer is important but will not stand out compared to those who are proudly stating their commitment to Diversity & Inclusion and displaying their dedication of promoting this further.

Use Inclusive Language

  • Use gender neutral language, there are gender decoder tools you can use to check your draft to ensure it appeals to a wider and diverse audience
  • Avoid age related references and corporate jargon

The Icing on the Cake

  • A link to the website of video footage from the Chief Executive or employees relaying their personal career story will bring the profile to life.
  • A link to your careers page to highlight further career opportunities and cultural insight.

We have years of experience at Ernest Hunter Green so please let us know if we can support or guide you with anything related to this subject.